Musical branding is the most powerful brand advertising tool on the planet.

Broadcast My Brand has written and produced many branding jingles that are airing all across the country, many still on the air after more than a decade.  But what has been missing with our many local market customers is that the branding jingle just remains the same.  The branding jingle is a powerful tool on its own, but there is a missing element.

The Brand-Focused Advertising Campaign

Getting YOUR OWN Brand Focused Advertising Campaign is a huge step towards empowering YOUR BRAND… BUT… the concept of a Brand Focused Advertising Campaign is usually not even thought of.  Great local businesses offer great service and products but aren’t equipped to sell themselves.

That’s what we do for YOU at Broadcast My Brand by creating and managing YOUR very own Brand -Focused Advertising Campaign.

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Throughout the year there are seasonal changes, holidays, sales events, and even societal changes, as we’ve seen during the current pandemic that should be reflected in YOUR branding campaign advertising. 

Over the years as technology advances and as musical tastes and demographics change the flexibility to keep your Musical Branding Jingle and YOUR STORY relevant, fresh and brand-focused is a must.  Big corporate entities, like McDonalds, Subway, State Farm have successfully employed branding campaigns like this with their branding jingle as the empowering engine for decades, because it works.  A Brand-Focused Advertising Campaign maintains brand consistency while being flexible to all the many forces of change that come our way.  I know… I hear you… the big guys have big bank accounts to pay for it all, but we local folks don’t…. But!!!! Wait a minute!

What if there is a way for you to have your very own Brand-Focused Advertising Campaign?

Broadcast My Brand, in partnership with Local Radio Networks has designed a monthly subscription program that will give YOU the same branding power in a branding campaign for YOUR local business, product or service that the big national advertisers employ.

We build YOUR CAMPAIGN around a custom written branding jingle, a song that we write to be unique to YOUR BUSINESS, singing YOUR NAME and other lyrics about who and what you are.  This custom song is a YOUR STORY and represents YOUR BRAND. But YOUR custom written branding jingle is not the end, it is the beginning of YOUR Brand-Focused Advertising Campaign.

Broadcast My Brand brings Brand-Consistent Creativity to Empower Your Advertising

We build into the subscription program the ability to update YOUR BRANDING JINGLE to accommodate the inevitable seasonal changes, sales events, holidays and more.  We can rewrite lyrics and re-sing to fit a specific purpose, even changing the genre of the song or using a different singer when needed.  Imagine being able to tailor YOUR branding jingle to an entirely different demographic!  YOUR BRANDING JINGLE may be originally produced as a light-hearted pop song, but then later re-imagined and produced as a classic rock song, or a country song, or with an urban or alternative feel.  Whatever the needed vibe and genre required, we will help you identify it and make happen for YOU.

Brand Consistent Advertising Spots

In addition, we will write brand consistent ad copy and produce spots, using YOUR OWN BRANDING JINGLE, based upon seasonal changes, sales events, along with other changes that naturally occur during the year, and over time as we help you with YOUR OWN Brand Focused Advertising Campaign. 

Broadcast My Brand is Your Very Own Brand Advertising Creative Service

With THE BROADCAST MY BRAND BRANDING JINGLE CAMPAIGN PROGRAM we can take YOUR NAME, YOUR STORY, YOUR BRAND to another level, the same way the big regional and national guys do.  We will take care of every creative aspect of YOUR CAMPAIGN from writing and producing all the music to writing, voicing, and producing YOUR BRAND consistent radio spots, and all of it designed to provide you more opportunity to make you more money.  Our team will make sure YOUR NAME, YOUR STORY, AND YOUR BRAND, are delivered over the airwaves in a way that gives YOU more opportunity to attract paying customers.  After all, isn’t that why we’re all in business in the first place.  Check out some of the options below and drop us an email and let’s start the conversation.

Package #1
  • Your Own Custom Written and Produced Branding Jingle
  • One production update to YOUR Branding Jingle within the subscription year
  • 12 Brand Consistent Radio Spots
Package #2
  • Your Own Custom Written and Produced Branding Jingle
  • Four production updates to YOUR Branding Jingle within the subscription year
  • 12 Brand Consistent Radio Spots
Package #3: Build Your Own
  • Weekly Brand Consistent Radio Spots (works great for many retail businesses)
  • Your Own Dedicated Consistent Voice Talent
  • More frequent Branding Jingle Updates or Reproductions based on your requirements
  • Regionally and Nationally licensed Options
  • Brand Consistent, Sales Focused Telephone On Hold Production (Utilizing Your Branding Jingle)
  • … or tell us YOUR unique situation and let’s find a way to give you exactly what YOU need.

It is YOUR NAME, YOUR STORY, and it is YOUR BRAND.  At Broadcast My Brand, we are focused one job… Causing potential customers to remember YOUR NAME, consistently telling YOUR STORY, and imprinting YOUR BRAND at the top of the mind of those who one day will be in the market for your product or service.  Contact us to begin a conversation about how easy we can help you powerfully Broadcast YOUR Brand.